Who Can Benefit from a Trust & Trust Attorney?

Hiring the best Wills  Trusts Attorney

Hiring the best Chicago Wills & Trusts Attorney is an important step for anyone planning to leave property to others, establish care for their children or otherwise express their wishes upon death. Without a valid will, a court could decide how your assets are distributed and who should care for your children – decisions that might not reflect your desires. We draft wills and other estate planning documents that help ensure that your intentions are followed.

We also provide trust services, including the creation of revocable and irrevocable trusts. Our attorneys help clients establish these trusts to distribute their assets and avoid probate. We also review their other assets to determine if any would benefit from being placed in a trust and provide instructions on how those assets should be distributed.

Trusts can also be used to provide financial privacy because they are not a matter of public record. They can also provide disability planning, allowing you to name a trustee to manage the trust in the event of your incapacitation or disability and to follow trust instructions. Trusts are often used in conjunction with a will to avoid the probate process and can help minimize both estate and income taxes.

Our lawyers provide asset protection planning services to help our clients protect their investments and other assets from creditors, predators and others who might try to take advantage of them. We offer legal strategies such as trusts, partnerships and LLCs, in addition to traditional legal tools like wills, trusts and powers of attorney.

The first step is an initial consultation with one of our experienced trust and estates attorneys. We will explore your family dynamics, business interests, charitable inclinations and other issues and work with you to develop an estate plan that is right for your circumstances. We consider both federal and state estate tax, gift tax and generation skipping transfer (GST) laws in our planning process to help minimize your taxes.

When you die, we can also handle the probate of your estate – the process of settling claims against your estate and validating your offered will. During this time, creditors have a window of opportunity to file their claims and the executor of your estate or personal representative is in charge of paying them out of estate funds before making distributions to heirs.

We can assist with any trust and estate issue you may have, regardless of its complexity. Contact us today to discuss your situation with a Chicago estate planning, trust and probate lawyer who can provide knowledgeable guidance. Our firm is committed to delivering high-quality legal services that address your specific needs and goals. To find out more, contact us today to schedule a free evaluation with one of our attorneys. We serve clients throughout Cook County, Illinois and the surrounding areas. Our offices are conveniently located in downtown Chicago and Lincoln Park. We offer evening and weekend appointments. To get started, request your free consultation online or call us at (312) 642-8700.